SHIN INBE THIN  110g/m² Awagami Ultramarine Maximize

SHIN INBE THIN 110g/m² Awagami Ultramarine

Ultramarine [Nasukon] - cm78x109 

Matière : kozo et chanvre - Japon.

Un vergé perceptible sur une face. Toucher rugueux.

Usage et support : la lithographie, l'offset, le pastel, la décoration, l'origami, art plastique.

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8,60 €

Mix of hemp, recycled kozo fiber & wood pulp
Ideal for bookbinding, framing & all crafts
Recommended for drawing, charcoal & pastel

Classic laid pattern with a silky finish
Excellent resilience & light fastness
Inkjet, laser & offset printing on both side.

  • Since August 2022, we suntain an increase in price fot Awagami papers, especially the shin inbe. we apologize for the inconvenient.